Taking care of your family while you are sick

I have been very sick recently. My period came and has been with me for the last two weeks. I know this is not normal but I can’t go to the doctors until this week. I have just been waiting for it to go away. I have no idea what is causing this and I am getting very worried. However while I am worried I still have my two little girls to take care of.

I have been cleaning a whole lot instead of sitting there worrying. There is nothing more stress relieving for me than cleaning. I have also had my daughters help me clean. My four year old is learning the responsibility of trying to keep her own room clean and my two year old is just following me around helping with chores.

I have been cooking as clean as I can hoping that eating healthy will help me get healthy again. Also we have lots of other sensitive diets in our home that thrive on us eating well.

We have also been playing outside lots because it is summer and I don’t want my girls to miss out on summer fun. They are riding their bikes a ton and it really saves on bedtime battles.

Thank you for reading this.


18 thoughts on “Taking care of your family while you are sick

  1. Rhyming with Wine says:

    It’s so tough when you’re sick bit still have all the same responsibilities of mum life. Gone are the days where we can just get wrapped up in a duvet and watch films all day until we feel better. I hope that you everything sorts itself out and you feel better soon.
    Thanks for linking up with #fartglitter x


  2. nsalama1 says:

    Hi Nicole – hope you feel better soon and figure out what’s going on… all the best to you and your girls

    Nicole | The Professional Mom Project


  3. Kathleen Aherne (@CoolTweed) says:

    Nicole you are doing such a good job taking care of the little ones while you are not well. Certainly not allowing yourself to worry is a help. I do hope you can see a doctor soon and put your mind to rest and find help.
    Bloggers Pit Stop


  4. DomesticatedMomster says:

    It’s so hard when you’re a mom and don’t have sick days. My cycle has been messed up too but I think it’s my own doing as I have been trying to exercise and lose weight this year and it’s messing with my hormones. Hope you are feeling better. #fartglitter


  5. Savannah (@HowHesRaised) says:

    A mom’s job never ends, right? I’m so sorry to hear that you’re sick, and I really hope you’re able to figure out what’s going on. I remember when I had mastitis and was sooooo sick, burning up with a fever, and had my 9 month old crawling all over me-it was exhausting and so tough. I’m wondering if you’re suffering from an ovarian cyst that has ruptured? Either way, I’m hoping you get some answers soon! ❤ #StayClassy


  6. The Mum Project says:

    Oh no I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well! You are superwoman still cleaning AND taking care of the kids while sick! : ) I hope you feel better soon, try to relax a little and have your husband look after the kids…Box Sets are my savour when I’m sick. Thanks for sharing with #StayClassy!


    • caglechick87 says:

      I totally wish my husband could help with the girls more but he works 12 hour shifts his day is leave for work at 3:30 and and then get home at 5ish. He is dead tired when he gets home. I am always on as lead parent. I am feeling much better now though.


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